Anyone who deals intensively with international business law - whether in practice or research - knows the challenges of research. It is often time-consuming and costly. Fortunately, there is now good and freely accessible specialist literature and materials that make access easier. To support this, I have started to compile a collection of freely accessible sources on international business law. This overview serves as a first point of contact for research and is available to all interested parties. Further sources will be added on an ongoing basis. I welcome suggestions for additional open access materials.
Commercial Awareness Program by the World Commerce & Contracting
Collections of decisions
United Nations Commission On International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) - Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT)
Harmonization of international trade law in practice requires that the laws concerned are interpreted in a uniform manner. Many UNCITRAL texts contain the principle that in interpreting the texts concerned, judges and arbitrators should consider the international origin of the law and the need to promote uniformity in its application.
In order to support consistency in decisions and awards on its texts, UNCITRAL established a system in 1988 to collect and disseminate information on court decisions and arbitral awards relating to UNCITRAL texts: the Case Law on UNCITRAL texts, known as CLOUT (source:
- 1988 - today
The collection of decisions "Die deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiet des Internationalen Privatrechts (IPRspr)", published by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, is now available as an online database in open access. The database can be searched according to many different parameters and currently contains around 6,500 decisions (source: press release dated September 20, 2024).
- 2004 - today
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) / European General Court (EGC)
The Monthly Case-law Digest is a compilation of the résumés of the decisions of the Court of Justice and the General Court, which, concerning the issues of law involved, merit particular attention. These compilations use a system of thematic classification of the decisions to facilitate the identification of the case law in the area concerned.
- 2021 - today
Case-law Fact Sheets
Clear and concise analyses of key legal subjects, available in all official EU languages
- 2019 - today
Legal Monitoring
Updates on recent legal developments and notable court rulings, including follow-ups to preliminary rulings
- 2005 - today
Judicial Network of the EU
Access to documents, notes, and studies of a scientific, analytical, or educational nature drawn up and selected by the Court of Justice of the European Union and by the member courts of the RJUE to enhance mutual knowledge of national laws.
- 2015 - today
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law
Founded in 1927. Areas of specific interest are comparative law and foreign law, the conflict of laws, the law of international transactions, and the unification of law, including the law of the European Union (source:
- 1961 - 2023
- 1927 - 1960
- 1919 - 1921
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht / Heidelberg Journal of International Law
ZaöRV has been published since 1929 under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. Its English name is Heidelberg Journal of International Law (HJIL). The journal is a forum for the discussion of fundamental and topical problems of public international law, European Union law, comparative law and occasionally public law issues in EU Member States and beyond. Its aim is to reflect a geographical, substantive and methodological diversity in these fields. The journal is bilingual (German and English) (source:
- 2021 - today
Contracting Excellence Journal
The journal provided by World Commerce & Contracting (formerly IACCM) features articles and insights from the WorldCC team and their membership of over 70,000 members from 180 countries worldwide.
KAS African Law Study Library
KAS African Law Study Library is an open access journal which publishes articles written by young scholars from the African continent. The journal deals with practical aspects important for the development of the Rule of Law in an African context (source:
- 2014 - today
International Journal of Digital Law and Governance
International Journal of Digital Law and Governance (IJDLG) is a fully peer-reviewed forum for theoretical and applied research in digital law and governance. The journal is international in scope, aiming to cover topics relating to digital law and governance throughout the world (source:
- 2024 - today
RiA Recht in Afrika / Law in Africa / Droit en Afrique
The journal Recht in Afrika is the journal of the Gesellschaft für afrikanisches Recht e.V., which was founded in 1998 and has been published online since 2014. It is an information and discussion forum for the various and diverse forms of law, whether multinational, state, informal or traditional, that are applied on the African continent. Special attention is paid to current legal developments. Law in Africa is published online every six months and contains articles in German, English and French (source:
- 2014 - today
VRÜ Constitution and law overseas
"Constitution and Law Overseas" (VRÜ) analyzes developments in public law in states and regions outside Europe and North America as well as the legal structures of their regional and international integration. The journal is published quarterly and contains articles in English, and in exceptional cases also in German, Spanish and French (source:
- 1968 - 2023
ZEuS Journal for European Law Studies
The Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien pursues a broad concept: the articles are devoted to current and fundamental problems of European integration, European law and international law. Articles are published in English, French and German (source:
- 2000 - today
Journal of Chinese Law (ZChinR)
The beginnings of the quarterly ZChinR date back to 1994. The publication has borne its current name since 2004 and is the only ongoing German-language publication on Chinese law (source:
- 2004 - today
- Basedow, Uniform Law. Legal Responses to Globalization. (2024)
Finalized for publication by J. Gries , - Fleischer, Rechtsformneuschöpfungen im in- und ausländischen Gesellschaftsrecht (2024) - Kiefner, Possession as relative property? History and dogmatics of the protection of possession as relative protection in common law and civil law (2024) - Maier-Lohmann, Property in Goods and the CISG (2024)
More magazines




SSRN, formerly known as Social Science Research Network, is an open access research platform used to share early-stage research, evolve ideas, measure results, and connect scholars around the world. I've linked the Legal Scholarship Network.
Disciplinary repositories
